Saturday, November 26, 2011

I blame us

We are pro-Syria correct? Whether we categorize ourselves as pro-Bashar, pro-regime, pro-reform, we are all pro-syria...

And for that case I blame myself and all of us that are pro-Syria for the way things have gone in Syria.
Please hear me out before you get all pissed...

We wonder why Bahrain, Jordan, and Yemen revolutions have not been covered or sanctioned like the Syrian one... we say religion, the Gulf, Hezb, and/or Iran.

We also need to know, the biggest difference is Syria has more outside opposition/exiled folks than any of these other countries. They are not just anyone, they have built their names and accomplished a lot to make sure they have a lot of money in their pockets.
Money is a driving force in everything.
Our opposition/exiles fund stations, reports, lies, and weapons; they also have written letters to their governments, rallied, met with high officials.

We, pro-syrians, have rallied and attacked their media campaign with the truth. But that wasn't and still is not enough.
Many of us cancelled trips to Syria, rallied when rallies when rallies were scheduled, and cussed online and to family.
But we still need to unite and do more.
For those who can:
1. We need to rally more
2. We need to start sending letters to newspapers and our government officials
3. Those who usually go to Syria this time of the year, I encourage you to go still and if possible take Syrian Airlines.
4. We need money in Syria

How to help Syrian economy from here:
When sending money, I am not saying to put it into banks but to have it move around.
  1. If you are building a house in Syria keep it goes
  2. If you have a house, send money and have family buy something new for it from local merchants
  3. help fund something in your area.
  4. Buy/slaughter sheep from locals and donate the meat to your village.

Our time to fund what we want... our time to try and keep Syria safe, our families safe.
We are late but we need to try now.
Just fighting the media campaign is not enough. Our families in Syria are suffering by the hands of the opposition, Arab League, and West.

We can do more and if we do nothing we are just as much at fault.

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