Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Beauty of Syria

Syria's beauty is undeniable...
From the mountains to the rivers, from the deserts to the Mediterranean.
Its landscape is incomparable except to one thing...
Its people, diverse in every nature... live side by side in peace ...
There is no fear of each other,  there is no hatred...
They are one...

There are those who which to ruin this..
There are those who, out of pure jealousy, wish to watch the most beautiful country destroy try and destroy itself...

Those who want to ruin such a beauty country do not realize that the people will stand in front of them...
Their hearts with the population and with the president...
You cannot destroy a strong and proud nation...
Time has shown the love for their nation and their president is not easily shakable by propaganda...

One nation, One people..
Under One flag... Under One President.

1 comment:

  1. `"One nation, One people..
    Under One flag... Under One President."

    This is fascism. What country deserves to be 'under' its President?
