Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dear Obama ... and a continue from

Comment and most from:

~Also if you take out the $6 million dollars paid to Syrian opposition since 2005 for the last six years that will be another $36 million dollars since then and since Obama has been in office since 2008, then he could have gotten saved the American people $18 million dollars.
~The American people voted Obama in on a platform of Change, he spoke how you cannot ignore other governments and that you need to engage with them. I was even fooled as I volunteered for your campaign and helped convince many of my hardcore republican friends that this change is needed.
~ Obama, you even had the courage to talk crap about Bush in front of Bush during ur Inaugural speech and the need to throw up old policies. But yet you did not fulfil any of you promises, except a weak health care reform change. But yet I still had faith in you. But then you entered into another illegal war in Libya with the cry of Democracy when the fact was the people should have fought that war themselves. The presence of Democracy and freedom was the platform of Bush and you continued it blindly.
~You, Clinton and all ur department speaks of the Syrian president as if they are within your power to control and in the meanwhile your people are suffering with no jobs and little or no retirement benefits. If you do not get re-elected it will not because the republicans screwed you, it will be because you lost legitimacy as president, not Bashar. You did not fulfill any promise you made to us. You even compromised with Republicans and extended tax cut for the wealthy. Even though you still had control of the House and Senate at the time.
~Guantanamo is still open and your exercise of torture on these prisoners has not come to a halt.
~Your support of the actions of ur Ambassador of Syria is ridiculous. You preached reform for Syria and as reform began Ford when to support an uprising. Your ambassador and your embassy are guests in foreign nations, just like the Syrian Ambassador is a Guest in the United States. If Syrian Ambassador got on TV, radio, and Internet support an uprising against the USA government and talk bout your downfall what would the USA's reaction be? Who are you to allow such things to occur?
~If Army, police, and security forces are being shot at in ANY country they will be responded with with full force of that Government. Do not act you would not do the same thing if you were in Bashar's place. He has been in negotiation with the opposition, which is the minority of Syria, for months now. He has implemented many reforms but they are still collecting arms and ready for an armed rebellion. The majority of Syrians were waiting for their security to be restored and for the Army to start doing their job, which is protect these from any armed rebellion or extremism.
~Do you remember when Turkey complained about refugees? Well you know very well Syria has some of the largest refugees. Iraqi (cuz of the hands of USA), Lebanese (hands of Israel), and Palestinians (hands of Israel, UN, and USA). We did not put them in CAGES as TURKEY did to our Syrian citizens. They live among us, as brothers and sisters, co-workers, and neighbors.
~Do you remember When Turkey threatened to entry Syria? Syrian silent majority who are all pro-reforms and pro-Bashar, choose silence was no longer and option. Everyday after that University group, Youth groups, Christian groups, villages, and many more civilians came together to rally in different years EVERYDAY. They will not listen to foreign countries to threaten their land, their nation, their army, or their president. Enlistment in Syrian army grew after those statements. And if a foreign nation was to enter Syria, enlistment would triple. And Syria already has the largest active army in the Region.
~Army, soldiers, and security forces have been shot at and killed for months now, the Syrian ppl want the government to intervene against this terrorism.
~This was first a media war, of lies and videos being spread and your USA media has only addressed one side of anything. Not looking at opposite view or using common sense that many of us have done to discredit many accounts of 'eye witnesses' and 'videos.'
~So I ask you to worry about the USA and Syrians will worry about Syria. Make statements fair and make them just. You are yet to implement change in foreign policy. Though I have no faith in you and cabinet now, I hope you can prove me wrong.
~My college funds for my school and my stocks are about to get shot to hell because you care more about being the bully of the world then you do about our Debt Ceiling. So please worry about our countries future than that of another country that is more than capable to handle themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Great piece, they definitely read it not to learn about their mistakes, or what people of their country think of their policies, rather they'll be interested on who you are & what's your motive asking for the well being of your people & what's hidden in the future.
